What’s your favorite unit of study?

Me:  “Come kindergarten, I am turning into a drill sergeant. I will quiz the kids for hours at the table. Not one assignment will be handed in without passing my inspection. I will call every one of their teachers a month ahead and demand every unit they’re studying…”

Doug:  “…And I’ll call every one of them and demand they study my unit.”

So much for instilling the utmost respect around here for higher education.


Here’s where it all started.


Kindergarten, 1978. I appear bottom right, displaying the bangs I cut “all by myself.” Standing as far away from me as possible, top left, is the future father of my children. In red, Antonella Calabrese, who would stand up for me as my dutiful bridesmaid. Next to Doug, my arch nemesis, Jerry Beach, plotting his revenge after I dismembered his G.I. Joe. The more things change…well, you fill in the rest.