The most peculiar thing about marrying a guy you went to high school with is that people from your past tend to resurface in the most unlikely places.
A sample of some questions I’ve asked myself over the years have been…why is Jon Mangiaracina’s kid jumping up and down on my bed? Why is the Shiek (aka Philip LaMesa) frying an egg in my kitchen? Why is Jamie Brignolo checking for deer tracks in my backyard?
I even catch them doing handiwork around my house. Why is Jesse Piechowski adding lights to my ceiling? Why is Karl Fritch installing ductwork in my attic? And why is the guy who sat next to me in earth science (Jason Cardillo) building my stone patio?
This week, I had only one question as I peered out my kitchen window: what in the hell is Aaron Schafroth doing in my backyard building snowmen with my children??