This is why they’re worth it

My kids have had the privilege of getting to know a host of magical animals in their lifetime. There were our three dogs–Daisy, Bean, and Rosie; nine cats–Izzy, Blizzard, Boo, Bessie, Clarabelle, Milo, Max, Millie and Oliver; four Russian tortoises–Bonnie, Clyde, Boris and Natasha; two ferrets–Sid and Nancy; and fish in practically every room of our house. Some of them are still with us, and some of them are not.

Pets are an investment. In return for the time and money they cost, along with the messes, the heartbreak, and the inconvenience during our travels, each animal has brought my children a unique and valuable life lesson. Early on, they’ve each been instilled with kindness, empathy, patience, and responsibility.

I don’t do it all for me or my three. Mostly, I do it for my future grandchildren.

A whole new perspective

Ever since I signed my kids up for Facebook Messenger, I’ve been receiving pictures, videos and texts from them throughout the day. Last week, I received what I see as a six-second encapsulation of every family road trip we’ve ever taken. I’ll provide the transcript, since you can’t hear it over the videographer’s racket:

As a flock of Canadian geese leisurely crosses the street on our way to Hammonasset beach…


Me: “Oh my God! You’re so cute! I love each and every one of you!”


Doug (shaking his fist get-off-my-lawn style): “Get out of here!”

(Yes, my child does get out on occasion, and yes, she’s aware that they’re not really chickens, and no, she doesn’t always talk like that.)

Now that the children are behind the camera, life is about to be documented from a whole new perspective.