Today at the doctor’s office Eva and I were playing “Stupid Princess Gets Herself Stuck in the Tower.” This is played by positioning a maiden in the tower of a castle, then waiting for a hero of a prince to bail her ass out. I placed the prince at the castle’s entrance and put on my best problem-solving face.
“Let’s see. How is the handsome prince going to rescue the beautiful princess?” I …strategized, gathering some blocks as Eva looked on. “Should we build steps leading to the tower?”
She looked at me. She looked at the blocks. If she could tell time, she would’ve looked at her watch.
“… Or maybe he should go around back, through the castle and up the stairs,” I continued. “It won’t reach the tower, but it’ll put him closer to the princess…”
Eva rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’ll get her out,” she said. And with that, she plucked the princess from the tower and tossed her to the ground, where she lay facedown in a sea of rhino/corona/adeno/parainfluenze viruses on the waiting room carpet.
The new generation of women’s lib has spoken.